Plan miasta Pastur

Pastur - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Rome: The Roman Forum

'I need no ivory temple for my delight,' wrote Propertius in Augustus' day, 'enough that I can see the Roman Forum.' Here, from immemorial times, had been the meeting place of a civilization that was always positive. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

humor kristen lucu

PASTUR: maaf..maaf saya tidak akan mengulanginya lagi Setelah sampai di gereja Pastur meminta maaf selama 3 hari 3 malam setelah selesai dia penasaran dengan surat Matheus ayat 16 itu,Dan dibuka buku itu ternyata isinya "TERUSKAN ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Fine Art Studio

"I'm awful sorry, Letty," he said honestly, "but I've got to go over to Long Pastur' an' do that fencin', or I can't put the cattle in there before we turn 'em into the shack. You know that fence was all done up in the spring, ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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