'I need no ivory temple for my delight,' wrote Propertius in Augustus' day, 'enough that I can see the Roman Forum.' Here, from immemorial times, had been the meeting place of a civilization that was always positive. ...
PASTUR: maaf..maaf saya tidak akan mengulanginya lagi Setelah sampai di gereja Pastur meminta maaf selama 3 hari 3 malam setelah selesai dia penasaran dengan surat Matheus ayat 16 itu,Dan dibuka buku itu ternyata isinya "TERUSKAN ...
"I'm awful sorry, Letty," he said honestly, "but I've got to go over to Long Pastur' an' do that fencin', or I can't put the cattle in there before we turn 'em into the shack. You know that fence was all done up in the spring, ...